About Seigokan San Francisco Bay Area

Founded in 1945 by Seigo Tada, the Seigokan Goju-ryu Karate-do Association has dojos around the world. Under Sensei Marcos Collaco, Seigokan USA has offered Goju-ryu in the Bay Area for more than 40 years.

Dojo Locations and Contacts

Seigokan Goju-ryu Karate-do is offered in several locations around the San Francisco Bay Area under the direction of Sensei Marcos Collaco

Martinez/Antioch/Pittsburg Area, Call Sensei Marcos Collaco: (925)-354-2719

Mountain View Area, Call Sensei Catherine Greely: (650) 670-0773

San Francisco, Call Sensei Angela Swanson: (415) 385-4466

Seigokan San Jose, Semi-Private Classes By Appt., Call Claudia Chan: (408) 802-0037

For all general inquiries, email david@seigokan.com