Kata Videos

Seigokan Goju-Ryu incorporates original Seigokan kata (created by Seigo Tada) and traditional kata that have been passed down from Chinese and Okinawan martial arts.
This kata list includes sample performances. Note that the timing and some techniques differ from instructor to instructor. Kata performed in competition will use variations in timing both for dramatic effect and to allow judges to see subtle and complex movements. The WKF specifies versions of the kata that are standardized for competition. The standard or compulsory kata ("shitei gata") from the Goju-ryu style are Saifa and Seipai.

Kihon Tsuki-No - Basic punching kata (Seigo Tada)

Gekisai Dai Ichi - "Attack and Smash One" (Chojun Miyagi)

Gekisai Dai Ni - "Attack and Smash Two" (Chojun Miyagi)

Saifa* - "Smash and Tear" (Traditional)

Seiyunchin* or Seienchin-- "Method of Attack" (Traditional)

Sanchin - "Three Battles" (Traditional)

Uke-no - "Blocking/Defensive Kata" (Seigo Tada)

Shisochin* - "Battle in Four Directions" (Traditional)

Tensho - "Revolving Hands" (Traditional kata redesigned by Chojun Miyagi)

Seipai* - "18 Hands" (Traditional)

San-sei-ru - "36 Hands" (Traditional)

Seisan* - "13 Hands" (Traditional)

Kururunfa* - "Maneuvers of Evasion - Tai Sabaki" (Traditional)

Suparinpei* - "108 Hands" (Traditional)